Friday, March 27, 2015

Symbol:Window (Reading Logs 1)

Reading Logs

  1. Section 2 (Chapters 4-7):Chapter VI:Page 83 (Kindle Version):The drawing-room window in this scene acts as a portal between the savage and civilized worlds. On one side of the portal are the civilized Linton children, while on the other side is the passionate but savage children of Wuthering Heights. The window not only acts as a way for the two worlds to view one another through its transparency but also acts as a barrier, dividing the two worlds from truly meeting. The window brings the two worlds together, while still at the same time keeping them apart. This symbolism emphasizes the running theme of civilized vs. passionate that runs through the novel and connects to the novel's deeper meaning regarding the question of whether one can truly be civilized without being passionate, and vice-versa. 

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